How to Configure Raspberry Pi OS for Valet

Connect to Valet

Use username and password from Raspberry Pi Imager settings

ssh tapster@valet-vision.local

Once connected, move to the Documents directory

cd ~/Documents

Download the machine set-up script

curl -sL -o

Run the set-up script:

For Valet Link:

python --link

For Valet Vision:

python --vision

Note: By default, Valet is set up as a Wi-Fi hotspot on first boot, to make it easier to connect to your main Wi-Fi network. If you want to disable this feature, include an additional flag:

python --link --nohotspot
python --vision --nohotspot

What does the script do?

  • Run raspi-config:

    • Enable VNC for remote desktop access

    • (Valet Vision): Enable SPI to control the TFT display

    • (Valet Vision): Enable I2C to control the TFT display

  • Create Python virtual environment

  • Install required Python libraries

  • Install libcamera libraries

  • Install OpenCV for computer vision

  • Install Tesseract OCR and Pytesseract for text recognition

  • Install zero-hid library for mouse & keyboard control

  • Install Checkbox server

  • Install Checkbox client

  • (Optional): Install Comitup for easy Wi-Fi onboarding

Valet Vision Only